Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Upsetting the Balance

This is one of those days I wish I had the support to be a stay at home mom. Yesterday was Columbus Day so I had the day off. Xyla did not. I decided to see how much I could get done after I drop her off and before I have to pick her up.

I know I have my best ideas early in the morning. (Most of the time between 2 and 4 am.) So it wasn't shocking that I found that I would be able to get a lot done between the hours of 5 am and 8:40 if I were a stay at home mom. That's two full loads of drying laundry with at least one load making it into drawers. That is time for cooking breakfast as opposed to breakfast in a box. That is getting one kid and myself ready for the day. Getting up at 4 am would afford all of that and enough time to workout and shower. Though I would likely have to wear my hair curly but that would be ok with me.

After delivering small child to school and the bell rings, I jumped in my car and started my day. I allowed myself to be horribly side tracked but it only cost me $25. Then I took my car for an oil change. If I had stayed on track, I would have been able to wash the other two loads of laundry, pick up after the kid tornado that swept through my living room with the neighbor boys and my daughter as F3 force winds and her toys and papers as debris.

I made it home in time to cull all the papers that were living on the freezer, liberate the freezer burned foods that had been trapped there because of the living paper stack and move the plants around so that we had room to use the kitchen table as a kitchen table. I got the dishes done and had a plan of what to make for dinner.

I picked up the small child and we completed her homework before 4pm. That gave her time to play and eat. If I had more time at home, I could do those things that make our space livable that I just don't have time to do right now. We would have ample time to learn Spanish as a family.

Sadly, I don't have this kind of time every day. While it seems insurmountable - I am certain that I can figure out how to get it all done as a working mom. I guess I will just have to start getting up at 2 am to figure it all out.


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