Friday, January 15, 2010

The Potty problem. Part 3

Because I haven't used either since the dog was a puppy, it took me another 20 minutes after her bath to find the scrub brush (which I hadn't thrown out, just packed inconveniently) and the Resolve Carpet Cleaner.  If you have to clean poop of any origin I recommend this product freely and I have not been paid by anyone to say it.  

In the end it was really no big deal because for the first time I was able to clean the "stuff" up with out heaving.  I have opened up a whole new career avenue for myself even though I am still not ok with how frail old people are.

Now about the problem . . . while the first adventure in potty training ended with a decided victory for the Pampers manufacturer, I am not sure how to handle the actual problem.  I have never heard anyone else talk about it.  There is no literature on it.

When I brought the potty home she was almost as ecstatic about it as she was about "Marney"  (Yes, the big dopey purple dinosaur.)  She would stand on it, sit on it, open it close it.  She wouldn't let me keep it in the bathroom, it had to be front and center in the living room.  She closed the lid, she lay across it.  I am sure I even saw her kiss it.  She had no problem sitting on it for long periods of time in her "free" state.  When I say this you need to think of the Rock Biter near the end of The Never-Ending Story)  These all seem like very good things.  The problem is - when she feels like she needs to pee, she stands up, runs across the room, peeing on the floor as she goes.  Apparently, in her mind it isn't so much a urine receptacle as it is a princess throne useful for storing small treasures and accessories.  

I caught her making the poo-poo face and dropped her diaper and plopped her on the potty.  She was very upset that excrement was depositing in "her potty".  When she was finished I let her get up and praised her for a job well done.  We took the bowl to the bathroom and dumped it in the toilet.  She didn't want to help me say "bye-bye mean poo-poo".  She seemed sad.  I washed out the bowl and put it back in place.  She hasn't been even remotely excited about the potty since then.  She has let me help her up on the potty ring on the big toilet and tinkled there but gets upset all over again when I suggest that if she needs to go she can use her potty.

The obvious solution is to train her on the ring and let her use the potty for what ever she deems appropriate.  Since I made her violate the sanctity of the potty, I don't know how to restore the relationship.  Any suggestions?

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