Today is easily the biggest day of my life. I didn't even see it coming but it can't be denied. Single most important significant thing I have ever heard, I heard today. You'll have to wait just a minute while I lead into this.
You see she usually only makes it to the shelf near the sink when she climbs on stuff in the bathroom. I don't mind leaving her there to walk out of the room for a second because if she has trouble getting down she calls to me. I had gone into her room for just a second when I came back around the corner I saw her standing in the sink holding the jar of liquid soap and dispensing it into her hand. I did what any mother would do. . . I turned the water on for her. She wants clean hands, I will let her do what she has to do. I ducked into the living room to pick up the camera I wanted to document this just for the fun of it. When I returned she had abandoned the soap and was making faces into the mirror. They told me she does this at school and it is fun to watch. It will serve her well if she decides to take up acting. Then she started to go through all the little bottles of shampoo, listerine, nail polish that I keep "out of reach" beside the sink. I suppose I'll be moving those now. She lost interest in that and did what any nearly-two would do . . . she washed her feet.Later, after she dumped an entire cup of pop corn on the floor, unloaded all of her unused diapers out of their plastic bag, insisted on watching Winnie the Pooh for the second time and played in the general area where the dog resides . . . we were playing as I was catching up with my mom on face book. I was typing and she grabbed my face . . . she said, "why-woah-yuuu".