Sunday, February 7, 2010

How excited am I?

I am excited enough to post a photograph of pee on my blog that's how excited I am.  Maybe this is a little out of the ordinary.  I am sure Xyla will be angry with me when she grows up for posting this but . . . 

Considering the fact I thought it would be a major effort to get her to be ok with the concept of pee in the potty this is huge.  She has made it to the pot 4 times already and it isn't even noon yet.  I suppose I can start investing in pull-ups so that she will understand the mechanics of underpants.  I can see being able to save $50 a month in my close future.  I am beyond excited.

1 comment:

  1. As parents, it is our duty to give them SOMETHING to tell the therapist. If we don't, we're doing it wrong. :)
