What I have read in baby/parenting magazines about babyproofing your home has always seemed absurd. I mean picking up stuff on the floor and putting in their mouth is the way babies learn about stuff. I am drawn to the fact that things need to be safe for our kids but sometimes the stuff they come up with is over board. So I have limited it down to the three basics of baby proofing:
Cabinet lock: really only necessary on the cabinets that have poisons in them. Put all your poisons in one cabinet and you'll only have to get one set.
Stove safety: and this one is free. Those knobs come off so take them off and the baby (if a climber and a helper - discussion later) will not be able to accidentally turn the stove on. You only need one and guess what, they are interchangeable.
The only other saftey thing I feel is necessary is a garbage with a lid, at least until you can convince the baby that what goes in the garbage should not come out (unless of course it's mommy's keys she just put in there).
Obviously the climbing is not just a stage. Next month we are working to acquire two things, a full body harness that adjusts down to her size and another thing I am not ready to talk about yet.
As far as milestones she is learning to dress (put her shoes on - and she always picks two shoes that match and puts them on the right feet - I didn't teach her to do that, I am proud though.) . . .
. . and undress herself. Somedays this is easier than others. She squealed from the other room and then walked past me very quickly and this is what I saw. I laughed so hard she scowled at me - that is a look she has been working on.
It is a grueling tale that takes to much effort to recount. Lets just leave it at she loves this bike. In my next post I will tell you why we got it but for now . . . there is a baby seat that mounts in the middle. I like that idea because if a car hits us from behind there is me between her and the car, somehow that just makes me feel better. We got the bike home and had to adjust the baby seat so I had to have her try it out. Then she picked up some tools and made some of her own "adjustments". While she was asleep for a nap the air went out of the tire rather quickly. I had to take the rear tire off to check the tube and there was a puncture. I haven't even ridden it yet. I was disappointed. I used a repair kit to fix it and a new hole was punctured through the patch. I checked the rim and a piece was seated wrong in rim and exposed the spoke connectors which popped the tire. When she woke up and saw the tire off she acted like I had mutilated her friend. I think it's safe to say she likes the bike, however, I will be at Academy Sports for lunch today.
Those parenting magazines also tell you right around now is a good age to have your kids help you cook. She is interested but it's hard to keep her from touching the burners when they are on. She is really good at following my directions when I tell her to put something in something else, I'll just have to slide her ladder around the corner in the future so she can't reach the pots.
Hey did I tell you we ditched the high chair? Yep, they have been setting her at the table to eat at the day care for a while now so I decided to find her a table and chairs that were her height. She is diggin' it. The new version of this "Dora the Explorer" table is $50 at that baby store. We picked it up for $20 at Burlington. It helps you bargain with them if you know what the going price is. Her Dora push button doll got new batteries last night so Dora was saying, "count with me". And proceeded to count in Spanish and she tried very hard to repeat quatro, it sounded close to me.
I am not sure if this is the time in her life where I need to tell her life isn't about filling someone elses shoes, it's finding a comfortable pair to help you blaze your own path in life. Still it makes me feel good that she wants to wear something of mine.
Obviously the climbing is not just a stage. Next month we are working to acquire two things, a full body harness that adjusts down to her size and another thing I am not ready to talk about yet.
As far as milestones she is learning to dress (put her shoes on - and she always picks two shoes that match and puts them on the right feet - I didn't teach her to do that, I am proud though.) . . .
. . and undress herself. Somedays this is easier than others. She squealed from the other room and then walked past me very quickly and this is what I saw. I laughed so hard she scowled at me - that is a look she has been working on.
It is a grueling tale that takes to much effort to recount. Lets just leave it at she loves this bike. In my next post I will tell you why we got it but for now . . . there is a baby seat that mounts in the middle. I like that idea because if a car hits us from behind there is me between her and the car, somehow that just makes me feel better. We got the bike home and had to adjust the baby seat so I had to have her try it out. Then she picked up some tools and made some of her own "adjustments". While she was asleep for a nap the air went out of the tire rather quickly. I had to take the rear tire off to check the tube and there was a puncture. I haven't even ridden it yet. I was disappointed. I used a repair kit to fix it and a new hole was punctured through the patch. I checked the rim and a piece was seated wrong in rim and exposed the spoke connectors which popped the tire. When she woke up and saw the tire off she acted like I had mutilated her friend. I think it's safe to say she likes the bike, however, I will be at Academy Sports for lunch today.
Those parenting magazines also tell you right around now is a good age to have your kids help you cook. She is interested but it's hard to keep her from touching the burners when they are on. She is really good at following my directions when I tell her to put something in something else, I'll just have to slide her ladder around the corner in the future so she can't reach the pots.
Hey did I tell you we ditched the high chair? Yep, they have been setting her at the table to eat at the day care for a while now so I decided to find her a table and chairs that were her height. She is diggin' it. The new version of this "Dora the Explorer" table is $50 at that baby store. We picked it up for $20 at Burlington. It helps you bargain with them if you know what the going price is. Her Dora push button doll got new batteries last night so Dora was saying, "count with me". And proceeded to count in Spanish and she tried very hard to repeat quatro, it sounded close to me.
I am not sure if this is the time in her life where I need to tell her life isn't about filling someone elses shoes, it's finding a comfortable pair to help you blaze your own path in life. Still it makes me feel good that she wants to wear something of mine.
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