Thursday, December 24, 2009

Aging in the snow.

I am from the north. If you are reading my blog, you know this. So 6 to 10 inches of snow is no big deal. I know from my experience in television news that the snow storm that is "100% coming", is probably going to shut down many small communities and much of Oklahoma City. However, the amount of snow it dumps will likely only be 2 to 3 inches. On my scale that is the same as driving on dry roads. On the Oklahoma scale it is worthy of closing schools and sending all non essential employees home for the day.

This storm was supposed to start yesterday . . . then it was pushed back to overnight . . . then it was pushed back to this morning . . . now it has been pushed back to noon and go through the evening. All we have seen of this storm so far has been wind. Lots of cold wind. Of course that isn't unusual for Oklahoma to see wind but yesterday right around closing time (in small towns that is 5:30) the WalMart (one of only three grocery stores in town) was packed to the brim. In case one might wonder if these shoppers were persons hitting the store last minute for presents for the holiday let me assure you, there were no and I mean no gallon size containers of water on the shelf. Which means people are preparing for a catergory 4 hurricane that could cause damage and leave people without services and food for months for a snow storm that, at best, will close the Safeway a little early today.

It isn't hard to panic the public down here, with stories of impending doom. That is why the weather men are the highest paid talent at the news stations. They do a good job of selling water. Of course the only time you should really panic is if you notice that a huge volume of old people are shopping for supplies and staples. These people are barometers. Their bones tell them if the storm is really coming or not so when they get the feeling they head to the store and pick up a few things. I do feel like I am starting to slide on that slope a little. Yesterday, my right knee was aching. If the pain magnifies witht he intensity of the storm I could understand why so many elderly people retire in Florida.

For now, though, I will just have to accept that I am getting older and my body is going to start telling me to do stuff when it used to be the other way around. Merry Christmas to all my friends and family.

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